Monday, 15 July 2013

Two in two days.

I wasn't telling porky's when I said I have been busy, so here are a few more bit's and bob's. Most of my work at the moment seems to be inspired by the mountains or flowers, both of which I love. I have so many ideas floating around in my head, it's difficult to put them all down on paper/fabric. I tend to jump around from one thing to another, sometimes starting two pieces of work at once, but never actually finishing them. With this in mind I am going to try my hardest to focus on one thing at a time for a while and see how much more productive I can become. 
Have a great day everyone :-)

Explosions of colour

Hello blogworld! It's been a while...! Whilst I am admittedly the worst blogger in history (It's been MONTHS!) I have actually been pretty busy creating, painting and scribbling down ideas. Here are a few snippets of what I have been doing. 

What I lack in my dedication to blogging, I certainly make up for in embracing this beautiful weather, spending as much time as possible on the beach, walking in the mountains and through forests; jumping in lakes and avoiding the hundreds of jellyfish that seem to have appeared in the welsh waters since the sun popped out. My favourite thing about this time of year is that everything becomes so colourful, there are vibrant flowers everywhere, the butterflies are fluttering, the sea is glistening and everyone is in a better mood because of it. Long may it continue. Wishful thinking living in Wales, but I like to be optimistic about these things. 

In the meantime it serves as great inspiration for artwork.